The Daily Illini
Class of 1974

Ed Epstein has had a long career in daily journalism since graduating from University and the DI in 1974. His career has taken him to a range of major news outlets, including the Dow Jones News Service in New York; the Asian Wall Street Journal in Hong Kong; the Chicago Sun-Times; the San Francisco Chronicle; Congressional Quarterly (CQ); and Argus Media. He has been a reporter, city editor, copy editor, Washington and Capitol Hill correspondent, rewrite man, Newspaper Guild union shop steward and newspaper editor, and mentor. His writing covers a broad range of topics, reflected in thousands of bylines over the years. Ed has also been a passionate and focused advocate for the importance of preserving the independence of student media and has worked tirelessly to raise awareness and concern, as well as funds, in order to help the Illini Media Company build a sustainable future.
This bio was written at the time of Ed Epstein’s inauguration into the 2023 Illini Media Hall of Fame.